Press Release Summary = Now students of all subjects can benefit from cheaper course work, textbooks and study aids
Press Release Body = For the first time, students now have their own auction website where they can buy practically any course, or even sell a used or unwanted one.
The biggest hurdle for most people is cost. Some courses online for example can cost upwards of several thousand dollars. Now students or even those considering learning a new subject or trade can benefit from reduced prices.
And better still, existing students who need extra cash can sell any of their unwanted or used textbooks, study aids and course work.
\"We found that for many people, the cost of training for a new career meant that many could never realise their ambitions,\" said Terry Simons, founder of Second Hand Study. \"That\'s why we introduced this whole new serice whereby anyone can benefit from a range of cheaper courses, CD roms, DVDs and study aids,\" he continued.
Even those who could\'nt have attended seminars where attendees paid up to $3000 for all the recordings and extras, can save huge amounts of money.
\"I guess the best thing about Second Hand Study is that it benefits everyone. Those looking for a fresh future and eager to learn, and those who have benefitted already and want to share with others\". added Terry.
You can find out more about Second Hand Study by visiting their website